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About Me

A journey to homeopathy

My name is Chelsea Smock and I am a homeopath and health coach in Austin, Texas.

I started off my life as many of us did…with a few serious illness, treated with antibiotics. In my teens, I developed severe seasonal allergies, treated with antihistamines, decongestants, and allergy shots — all the while fighting chronic sinus infections, treated with more antibiotics.

By the time I was 17, I found myself dealing with an autoimmune disorder, and that is where conventional medicine hit a wall. I was told that, for my condition, the treatment would likely cause more damage than the disease.


An alternative path

So I started looking at alternative ways of healing. I found acupuncture, yoga, tai chi and ways of healing with diet and supplements. I studied graduate level psychology and started working on a PhD in mathematics, looking at mathematical models of the brain. I wanted — and still want — to understand how we tick, how what is going on in the mind is connected to what happens in our bodies.

Then I got pregnant, and with the birth of my first child, I got committed.

I did not want my kids to go through the trajectory of medical intervention after intervention. I wanted to lay a solid foundation of health for them.


And then I discovered homeopathy.

I’ve been studying and working with homeopathy for fifteen years now, and I am honored to be able to share this profound healing modality with others. Homeopathy has been fundamental in creating true health and well being for my family, and I am here to help you experience the same.

Chelsea Smock, Homeopath
Healing bird

Healing as part of the inner journey

Each of us is a unique expression of life force. This means that your experience of an illness, disease or imbalance will be unique, and so will your healing process.

Whether I am working with you one on one with homeopathy or guiding you through a class, my philosophy is the same: direct you to your inner experience and wisdom.


Health is about the whole person

Why do you want to be healthy? Probably, if you dig down into this question, at the root your answer is some variation on happiness. We want to be healthy because we want to be happy. We want to feel good, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally.

No part of you is left out in the process of healing. It’s all included, and it’s all connected.


Healing comes from inside yourself

Even a homeopathic remedy doesn’t heal you — it just gives your system the energy it needs to heal itself.

Healing can be initiated from the outside, but it is YOU — your organism — your nervous system, your immune system, your cellular processes, your shift in mindset — that heals you.


You are your own best teacher

You are utterly magical in your capacity to heal, and to know what you need to heal.

True healing, like true learning, is an inner process. It is the process of integrating your experience, whether that’s a broken bone or a broken heart. It is the process of (re) aligning with your own intelligence, whether that is the intelligence of the body, the mind or the spirit.

The Power of Homeopathy

When my second child was around 18 months old, I mentioned to my homeopath that this kiddo had crazy food allergies — the kind that required us to carry an epipen at all times. It was just an offhand comment, a piece of family health history. It certainly wasn’t a request for help — because everyone knows there is nothing you can do about food allergies, other than avoid the offending food.


My homeopath raised her eyebrow. That kind of allergy — that’s not good.

Yes, I said, I know.

She asked if she could work with that kid.

I said sure…but inside I wasn’t very hopeful. I mean. This kid had developed severe eczema at 6 weeks on a diet of pure mama’s milk. I’d eliminated dairy, soy, nuts and eggs from my diet in order to get his skin back to healthy. He had recently gone into anaphylaxis after putting a pistachio shell in his mouth.

This did not seem like the kind of condition that would respond to tiny little sugar pills.

And yet — two months later, this child was able to eat eggs, no problem. Within a year, he was eating dairy, soy and nuts without issue. Fast forward 12 years, and this child has remained eczema and allergy free.

Now, I had worked with homeopathy before. When I was pregnant with this same child, a midwife had suggested a remedy to help me with lack of appetite and nausea. And I was impressed enough with that result to take a class on home prescribing and start exploring homeopathy for other health issues.

But this level of healing got my attention.

Homeopathy had cured a condition that we consider incurable (at least — the FDA does:


I wondered — what else could homeopathy do?

It turns out that homeopathy can do so much. The results are not always as quick and dramatic as they were for my son, and there are issues that are deep enough and/or long-standing enough that homeopathy cannot completely solve the problem.

However, there are many cases for which homeopathy can provide the potential for healing where other modalities have nothing to offer.

Many times we hear from medical professionals, there is nothing you can do about this. Or, you’ll have to take this medication for the rest of your life.

Yet, the organism’s potential for healing is vast — it stretches far beyond the mainstream story. There are many stories like ours that defy our current understanding of health and disease.

That is what I have discovered, and that is the reason I am doing this work.

Healing ceramic figures
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