Kind Words
Homeopathy Success Stories

Laurie | Texas
“Chelsea is a good listener who takes time to put a whole picture together. She is smart. Compassionate. Thorough. And these are the makings of a great homeopathic practitioner.“

Laine | Texas
“I’ve worked with Chelsea for a few years now and am always impressed with her ability to help me heal! She has helped me significantly reduce my anxiety and just recently helped me treat a sinus infection. I always go to her first when my body needs help healing. She has also helped my son with allergies, pneumonia and symptoms related to adhd and autism. I highly recommend her!“

Jenna | Texas
“I’ve been working with Chelsea for myself and for my kids for a few months and have really seen improvement in our overall health. Chelsea has also gone out of her way to help me to explore my own personal interest in homeopathy. Whether you’re looking for someone to treat an ailment or illness or someone to help you learn, I can’t recommend Chelsea enough.“

Beth | Indiana
“I began working with Chelsea after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Given the severity of the diagnosis, Chelsea suggested that we work instead to alleviate psychic wounds that I’ve been carrying around since I was a child, wounds that sometimes make it difficult to feel at home in my own body and extend into my sense of place (or displacement) in the world. Chelsea and I have been close friends for many years, but I found myself astonished by the depth and attentiveness of her listening in this capacity, and by the profound connections she went on to make before going on to recommend a remedy. Hearing Chelsea’s analysis of my personal narrative was like being stripped bare, seen fully through. It was quite a cathartic experience, and one I’m so grateful to have had. Everything Chelsea said felt as if she’d intuited the root causes of the pain I’ve been holding onto, as if this pain were a necessary piece of my identity. What a gift Chelsea has for seeing into the quick of things, and for compassionately describing what she sees in a way that makes healing the primary goal!”

Leena | Thailand
“Chelsea is at the top of the most intelligent, kind and caring people/practitioners that I have encountered in my more than 50 years of seeking vital health and sanity. Her knowledge and usage of homeopathy is sound and accurate. Her experience as a fully engaged mother of three contributes an acute ability to penetrate to the source of discomfort or illness swiftly and calmly. And she is a tremendously compassionate person; dedicated to alieviating suffering in others and herself. I consider myself tremendously fortunate to know Chelsea.“

SC | Texas
“Chelsea did a constitutional remedy for me. I honestly wasn’t expecting such a noticeable shift inside of me – certainly not one that would drastically benefit my emotional health and marriage. However, it was truly like a demarcation line in my life. Suddenly (and for the first time in my life), I shifted some unhealthy behaviors, and while it took time to maintain the changes consistently, it was absolutely the beginning of a new direction. I will forever be grateful for her help!”