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Our Packages

  • Six week constitutional care package

    New Clients. Adults and Children This package includes the initial interview (2-3 hours), weekly coaching, and a 1- hour follow up at six weeks along with any other additional support that you need.
    Valid for 6 weeks
    • Initial Interview (2-3 hours)
    • Weekly Coaching
    • 1- hour Follow-up at six weeks
  • Six week constitutional care package

    New Clients. Infants under 2yo. This package includes the initial interview (2-3 hours), weekly coaching, and a 1- hour follow up at six weeks — along with any other additional support that you need.
    Valid for 6 weeks
    • Initial Interview (2-3 hours)
    • Weekly Coaching
    • 1- hour Follow-up at six weeks
  • Six week constitutional care package.

    Ongoing. Ongoing constitutional care for established clients includes weekly coaching, and a 1-hour follow up at six weeks — along with any other additional support that you need.
    Valid for 6 weeks
    • Weekly Coaching
    • 1- hour Follow-up at six weeks
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